Use "regard|regarded|regarding|regards" in a sentence

1. Regarding and Concerning are interchangeable = with regard to; "Regarding/Concerning his skills, we can recommend him highly"

2. Although sometimes considered poor substitutes for about or Concerning, the phrases as regards, in regard to, and with regard to are standard and occur in all varieties of spoken and written English, especially in business writing: As regards your letter of January 19

3. Synonyms for Anent include concerning, about, regarding, respecting, apropos of, as regards, as to, re, touching and apropos

4. Root Definition to behold, regard NASB Word Usage behold (5), Beholds(1), lie in wait (1), look (2), notices (1), regard (1), regards (1), see (1), watch (1)

5. Concerner translate: to concern, concern, concerning, regarding, to do with, with regard to, with respect to

6. Concerner translations: to concern, concern, concerning, regarding, to do with, with regard to, with respect to

7. I certainly regarded the continuance of child benefit as very uncertain, and I still regard it as uncertain.

8. Botany is regarded as a broader, pure science in regards to living plant organisms, from the smallest bacteria to the largest trees

9. As nouns the difference between regarding and Concerning is that regarding is the act by which something is regarded or observed while Concerning is that which one is concerned in; one's business

10. Although outsiders may regard these as offensive, ordinary Thais are deeply superstitious and lucky charms and talismans are still regarded as important.

11. (d) if so, the details in this regard and the additional steps taken by the Government to sensitize the workers regarding their rights abroad?

12. He sends his regards.

13. With kind regards, Yours ...

14. The Czech Republic is regarded as one of the most tolerant Central European and former Eastern Bloc nations with regard to homosexuality and same-sex marriage.

15. With best regards, Yours, George.

16. Apprizes: as in respects, regards

17. Give Prince Noctis my regards.

18. My husband sends his regards .

19. Safeguard Regulation as regards Aflatoxins

20. I'll give her your regards.

21. Please give her my regards.

22. (1 Corinthians 14:20) Do not seek knowledge or experience regarding evil, but with God’s help wisely remain inexperienced and innocent as a baby in this regard.

23. Synonyms for Appertaining to include based on, about, concerning, in reference to, in regard to, regarding, related to, to do with, connected with and in connection with

24. Management Assertions are claims made by members of management regarding certain aspects of a business. The concept is primarily used in regard to the audit of a company's financial statements, where the auditors rely upon a variety of Assertions regarding the business.

25. The Camarilla regards the Anarchs as …

26. He regards himself as a patriot.

27. He regarded us suspiciously.

28. - one percentage point as regards moisture content,

29. As regards that,I'll break with her.

30. He regards the political process with disdain.

31. Cuckney regards such managerial mobility as healthy.

32. We have become concerned with regards to .....

33. Jane's father regards her fiance with approval.

34. Is that regarding is Concerning, respecting while Concerning is regarding, respecting

35. Is there any stipulation as regards qualifications?

36. Give my regards to everyone in Moscow.

37. He is regarded with disfavour.

38. Translate "Abrazos" to English: best regards

39. He regards them as nothing, as an unreality.

40. As regards the first point in your letter ...

41. This problem regards every student in the school.

42. be regarded as amortizable assets

43. - acoustic measurements, in particular as regards sound-proofing,

44. Be sure to give your family my regards.

45. Leon regards keeping fit as a serious business.

46. Please give/send my regards to your brother.

47. Regarding the money


49. She regarded smoking with abomination.

50. 2 He regards the political process with disdain.

51. Least, as regards Anticyclones, was challenged by Dr

52. You've no regards for principles of the underworld?

53. Tumin regards this as a very questionable assumption.

54. I have little information as regards his past.

55. Branchiopods are generally regarded as …

56. Both should enjoy the same rights (notably as regards access to lists of electors) and be similarly accountable (notably as regards reporting).

57. In regard to situation 5, the ground training refresher is mandatory because the operator has not been able to maintain ICAO Annex 6 standards, has needed Alleviations regarding training and the validity

58. Beslow regarding outstanding debt.

59. Regarding me clamping down...

60. The enemy was regarded as subhuman.

61. She regarded dressmaking with great dislike.

62. Important Considerations Regarding Allowances.

63. 26 This problem regards every student in the school.

64. Lakota tradition regards the Badger as an Earth Animal

65. I think he regards work as a necessary evil.

66. There is no problem as regards the financial arrangements.

67. The Catholic Encyclopedia (1907) regards this genealogy as spurious.

68. 16 The Roman Catholic Church regards marriage as indissoluble.

69. Beware of him who regards not his reputation. 

70. These changes are mostly regarded Benignly.

71. Many historians regarded him as incompetent.

72. Outsiders are regarded with outright hostility.

73. Foxes were traditionally regarded as vermin.

74. Women are often regarded as inferior.

75. She regards the marriage ceremony as a quaint anAchronism

76. In regards to 2000 Carrier Access Tariff File Name:

77. As regards his weapons,... he has absolutely no idea.

78. Please give our regards to whoever is in charge.”

79. Branchiopods are generally regarded as primitive

80. Certain animals were regarded as sacred.